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The full lineup for the new EU Commission

The deadline for putting forward names for the next European Commission has passed. Every EU country (even tardy Belgium) has made a nominee (or, in the case of Bulgaria, nominees).
Here are the candidates. But it’s not over yet.
Remember that all of them, except for European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen herself, need to be approved by the European Parliament.
Now von der Leyen will divvy up portfolios — such as competition, trade and defense —  between commissioners.
Then comes the hard part. It’s expected in late September and October each Commissioner-designate will face an hours-long a grilling by the European Parliament. Typically, at least one commissioner might fail the test (three failed the last go around).
Parliament has demanded a full organization chart of the 27 and their roles before the hearings start, setting the stage for four-hour interviews, with questions grouped by political faction.
